As the end of the year approaches I tend to reflect on my life. The things that I have enjoyed, the people who have enriched my life. Growing another year older, the love of family. My aging parents and the troubles they are having almost daily it seems. I think a lot about the loneliness's they each have, having lost their partners in the last few years, living alone. The unwillingness to change and downsize their homes. The forgetfulness that comes with age and the memories of their childhood that become so strong. Stories that I have never heard are coming out. The bike that they shared with their brothers. One bike and three kids. This week my mother-in-law locked herself out of her car with the groceries on the front seat. Today the locksmith comes to open the car..luckily she didn't by ice cream. My mother got out of the hospital only to find that she couldn't get in her house. The neighbor that so lovingly took her to the hospital, carefully locked my mothers purse and keys inside the house. Luckily my niece found a front door key.
Yes, it is the little things in life that we can be thankful for. Family, friends and the creative moments. Mostly our health I guess. We don't always think about it until someone we know is going through ill health. So I give thanks for all I have and I pray for the ill, the lonely, the out of work, the down and out and the hungry............DIANE