Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Four by Four Challenge

This page might be a repeat for some of you but it was all I had to share today and I just wanted to change my Valentine page.  Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY....so I thought I would start celebrating tonight with a HOT FUDGE SUNDAY.......yummmmmmm.  It was a very small sunday, but just right after a steak dinner with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh veggies.  I love going to Applebees. Their food is always fresh and yummy.  Anyway my biggest BIRTHDAY TREAT would be to see how many of you would leave a note for me. One would be a true friend, two would be a blessing and three or more would be the frosting on the cake....Hugs..........................DIANE

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope you all have a SWEET DAY.  These are some ATC's that I did back in 2009.  I am running late today and need to go and dry my hair or I will have a bad hair day...don't know why I bother it is raining today.  We have had an unusually warm Feb. so I guess I won't complain, we really need the rain.

If you are staying home with your SWEETHEART don't forget to tell them how special they are on this special day ... Hugs....................DIANE

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making Messes and Playing with Paper Mache

My friend Ranie over at Chatty Wacky Whims came over to play and make messes with me. We had so much fun and laughed and giggled a lot. I saved four Coffee Mate jugs and we covered them in paper mache. Then we painted them with a coat of Gesso.  We haven't finished painting them yet but I will share them when we finish them.  Have a wonderful weekend.......................Hugs, Diane http://www.flickr.com/photos/artist_ranie__chatty/
http://chattywackywhims.blogspot.com/   Be sure to stop over and see her work.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Puppy Time

Well here are the pictures of the puppy Roxy that I promised.  The top one she is the youngest and smallest.  Really the size of a Beanie Baby.  The other two are from yesterday. She we had a nice sunny day in the backyard.  She is very fun but a lot of work too.  She loves to get a kleenex and shred it to bits on my carpet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Sweetest Month

I haven't been taking pictures of any of my work lately.  Not even our new puppy has had her picture taken except with my phone...I packed my Nikon on our little three day get away and never took it out of the case..
I am in the process of re-doing my studio.  It seems I have so much STUFF that I am in the need for more shelves. I also am going to add another table.  I got a Circut the ultimate paper cutter.  Hopefully I can get organized and keep my tables cleared off for work space.
Puppy's take up a lot of your time.. I guess I forgot how much attention they need. I take her to work so when we are home I feel I have to give her some play time and some training.  Yesterday the weather was nice so I worked with her on a leash for the first time.  She did really good. Of course she is so little, about 2 pounds now, you barely feel her on the end of the leash....
Hope my blog friends missed me a little...I promise I will get some pictures of the puppy that is taking all my art time away from me, and hopefully I can keep up with my blog friendships this the sweetest month..Hugs and blessings.......................................DIANE GLASS