Friday, March 26, 2010

Art The Individual Style

We all know the many moods of Art.  The dark sad side and the happy colorful side.  Sometimes stuck in a corner the Muse will hide its elusive head and tease you with its block and other times tempt you with new materials and tools that you want to try.  Sometimes you will just have the creative juices flowing and new and creative ideas will pop right on to your work.  Some days you just can't seem to get a thing down, nothing is just quite right.  We have all had that day.  Sometime they last longer than a is a very one sided friend. You GIVE GIVE GIVE and get nothing in return. Then you realize that you just want to have a little funnnn.....and play in the paint and the glue. Child like without all the hang-ups we accumulate with self doubt.   Tonight the words are just flowing and I hope you enjoy my two latest paintings.......Have a joyful weekend.  Hopefully the weather is nice where you are and you can take a walk in the fresh air.  Don't just work..take time to smell the newness of SPRING .........DIANE

1 comment:

Vicki/Jake said...

getting back here...finally..
great pictures and posts lately (o:
You paint, I tell stories...what a life! have a great weekend Diane.