Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Creative Space

I didn't have any art to post today so, I thought I would go into my room and take a couple of pictures of the mess I left from my last project...I had everything put in it's place two weeks ago. All neat and tidy, picture perfect, but never that way for long.  It seems that no matter what project I do, everything has to come out.  Sometime's my Dear Husband brings me food...That is how locked in I get on my day off from work.  So you could say for two days out of the week I live in my studio.  Have a rock'n Wednesday............Spread some JOY today............DIANE


Terri Kahrs said...

I love that you've shared your space! I know . . . I always start with a clean slate and then it looks like a bomb burst in the center of my studio! What a great space you have. No wonder you don't want to emerge!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Lori Saul said...

What a fun place to create and as I viewed your blog what beautiful mixed media art there is to be found! I look forward to visiting again!

BlueRidgeLady said...

What a beautiful mess! I do the same thing, before I know it, I am surrounded by stuff, no place to set anything without it spilling or turning over....loved your studio, how fun!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the postcards, Diane. No, I didn't have either. I posted them on my blog. My wife saw your work space and didn't notice the clutter at all but the space. Her work space doubles as a guest room. Toodles.