Monday, November 22, 2010

Bragg'n For A Friend...Wahhooo

My humble friend Marsha was published in Nov. Dec. issue of

 Somerset Studio.  I was in Barns and Noble with my dear Husband getting all my favorite Magazines.  I picked up the new SOMERSET STUDIO and thumbed through it like I always do and lo and behold I see full pages of some of my favorite art.  Not one, not two but count them four full pages....yeaaaaaa. Huge full color lovely Queens with Wings, in her one of a kind art with a Holiday Message.  I am so delighted for Marsha.  She works so hard to give up new art to use in our own creations.  She is one of my favorite people here in my little corner of the world. A most modest and generous Artist. CONGRATULATIONS MARSHA AT TUMBLEFISH STUDIO.  Stop by and see her new header. It is dreamy. Well I am off to work after a 4 day holiday ugg.      Oh...some day I hope to see Diane Glass in Somerset Studio or one of their other wonder publications...Art Hugs.....................DIANE


roc said...

i have that issue, too! it is such fun to see people we know and love in a magazine, isn't it!?! you will be in there one day for sure! hope you have a happy thanksgiving my friend.

Unknown said...

Great photos Diane, I like the fall colors.

Happy Thanksgiving to you

Tumble Fish Studio said...

You are just the kindest most thoughtful friend, Diane! Thank you so much for this flattering post. Tears welling up again. You are so sweet and caring. Art hugs right back atcha and a smooch on the cheek too!