Saturday, May 31, 2008


Today was a day for was a good day. It's funny how some days are visiting days. It seems everyone you see has time to stop and visit. Most days are just busy with little time to visit, everyone has a mission. I don't know if it was the weather or just the end of the month, but it was nice.

I made some pendants today after work. Can't photograph them until day light so I will take some pictures of them tomorrow. These are some funky and fun pendants I made the other day.

May went out with a BANG. We had thunder and lighting today along with hail.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I had a great day off a kid in a candy shopp. Like gambler at a slot machine.. I really made some sweet swaps and joined all kinds of art swaps in quite a few different sites that I frequent. Now I have to go back and see if I can find them all. OOps.....really I love it.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Message In a Spoon

Boy when the creative bug bites everything comes together smoothly. I joined a swap . "inspiration by the spoonful" The swap was inspired from the latest "cloth.paper/scissors publication. Altered spoon with a message. It was really fun. I broke two drill bits on the spoons. Then I lightly blotted on alcohol ink and let it dry. I added 3 colors letting it dry in between each color so they wouldn't muddy. Then I added a crystal and some charms and some funky yarn. Oh ya, and the words were added with mat medium. Fun. You can check out the thread at Mail Art World

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I didn't think I would end up buying aceo's. Especially since I have made hundreds myself. I love making them. It is amazing how much art you can get on a little 3.5 x 2.5 piece of paper. Well I couldn't help much fantastic art out there I just had to have some in my collection. I got the original today that I bought on E Bay and it was worth every penny. Fantastic artist, in fact I am out on 3 more of her auctions. If I get them all my dear sweet Husband may kick my butt. (Kill seemed a little harsh.) After the auctions are over I will ask the artist if I can post them to share with you...wouldn't want any of you biding against me...

Meanwhile here is the first in a series of three collages that I did. They are 18 x 24. The Cowboy in the Red Hat was yesterdays post and Siena of the Orient was posted a few days ago in 3 WIP stages.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Art Gives Me Wings

Art gives me lets my imagination soar. Explore....many different styles and different mediums. Some elaborate and others simple, basic and primitive. Often the thought and conception is the longest labor, other times it just flows from one work to the next. There are brick walls at times that seem too high to climb. Some days are like that, sometimes many days. The dry spell that needs just the right breeze to lift me.

I made a set of curtains tonight....I am not much of a seamstress so it is fun and challenging, but now I must get back to the drawing board.

I joined a swap tonight over at Mail Art World. That group always inspires me.

Monday, May 26, 2008

ATC Art Dolls

After a full day of wondering what I would post today....I didn't spend any time doing art. I want to share other things that I have made. These dolls were made for a swap over at cards are all due in tomorrow so I should be getting my returns soon..These are the three cards that I sent in. They fold up to 2.5 x 3.5 inches. I was actually able to get them in the little plastic sleeve's.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Week Of My Blog

Well I have finished my first week of my new found inspiration. I have only had to delete one day that I really wasn't happy with. Different issues involved, I stewed about it one full night and came up with a couple of different solutions and in the end it was just easier to just delete the whole day. I really didn't want to get too far away from my art. So I am off to create some art, still not sure what the project will be, maybe I will have something to show tonight.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stuff, Stuff and more Stuff

Working on my studio today made me realize how much STUFF I have. I think I have saved every card anyone has ever sent me. Every Thank you note my brothers children have sent. My wonderful sister-in-law has taught them well. Tons of photographs, one time organized, before I began making Memory Albums. Now they are pretty much stirred with a big stick...I wonder if I will ever have them in any kind of order. Then again it is kinda relaxing to just sit and go through them one at a time, box by beautiful box.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby's, Puppy's and Nests

I spent most of my time tonight looking at every one's photos on Flickr. I usually just look at my Contacts and their latest postings of art. I think I have over 100 contacts now, not sure exactly I will have to check. Anyway there are over 3000 photos added something like every minute.....imagine. I went thru several pages and the things that stood out in my mind, the photos that caught my eye, were Baby's, Puppy's and Nests. I went over to ATC's for All and check in there. Haven't added any art there since they re-grouped. I miss alot of people over there. I will have to see what I can do about that. Miss my rolo friends so I thought I would share some of my rolodex cards that I sent out awhile back.

Windy Day

Beautiful sunny day today but the wind is up. I finally got it right on my Favorite links. I was adding the http twice. I can't believe how many time I would copy and paste the link without seeing my error. I was getting pretty frustrated until my bh looked at it and found the problem right off....sometimes you look at something so much you cant see know sorta like the forest for the trees. Now my little widgets tools in the corner have disappeared???? CRAZY. Maybe they will come back on their own..Come back little widgets!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Relax Until Next Challenge

Well I finally got my favorites linked to my site thanks to my friend Ranie who came over and showed me the ropes. I almost had it this morning but she really showed me an easy way to attach them. I have it down and added my Flickr Badge, that's a fun one. I am ready for the next challenge. BRING IT ON....mean while here is some more art.

Morning Lost Well Spent

Well I have tried and tried to link my favorite sites to my site. Typed 12 of them in on my layout, clicked save and "walla" went back to my site and they are no where to be found..At least I printed them out so I can start over when I have more time. So I am off to work. It will bug me that I didn't make the progress that I thought I was making. Oh well.....Here is some more of my art.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Extraordinary end to an ordinary day

So inspired by the art I am seeing I just had to write about it and post a few more of my past works. I have been so busy on Flickr since I first got on, I have spent most of my free time there. I haven't had much time for my ATC site's except to stop in and see what others are doing. I am a member of the new "ATC's for All "site and "Mail art World" Both excellent sites with some of the most wonderful artist. Some of them are so prolific I can't believe it. And the young ones with 2 & 3 small children still have time for so much wonderful art, gardens, photography and.....cupcakes. I am envious of time well spent. Sometimes I think I am more of a "Day Dreamer"....

Friends I've Never Met.

Strangers are only FRIENDS you haven't met. On my Flickr site I have made so many contacts and I have marked them all as friends. They are really my friends, my connection to the art world, my inspiration and motivation.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day is Done

Finished the Scrapbook for my Niece today. She is such a cutie it was hard to pick the photos that would go in the album and the ones that didn't make it. I have made a box for her that I keep putting things in so some day she will have special little things that I leave behind for her. It is never to early to make little boxes of goodies for your loved ones. It is a beautiful blue box and I glued a picture of her on it so I can find it easy, and add things of meaning as I find them. I have been working on this album for months so now I have to "re-boot" my studio. It will probably take all day to put away all my scrapbook stuff and get ready for my next burst of creativity. I have an idea what my next project will be, check back in a few days and I might have something to show you.


Sunday May 18, 2008

Well here goes....I am jumping in the pool of bloggers with both feet. How can I say I don't have enough time already and take on one more task? In a world with so many people and thoughts can one more word make a difference in anyone's life? Does it really matter? These are all questions I asked myself before undertaking this new found art form. And it is an artform they are already making magazines about blogging spots, most of the ones in the magazine are already my favorites. Things to share, Art, Collections, things of interest and beauty. Connecting with like people, people who do art and live an artful life seeing beauty all around.