LOST IN MY IMAGINATION.....LOST ON MY COMPUTER. Lost time spent looking for files....H E L P !! I knew I had to get something on my blog this morning and wanted to put the collage I finished that was done at the same time as my last posted collage...but I couldn't find it. But I did find pictures of the Homecoming Parade that I took last week. I thought I filed them in my Facebook file..but lo and behold there they were under BLOG..Too much, too many. I bought an external storage for all my pictures in case my PC ever decides to dump all my files. I have that all screwed up too. Loose files, duplicate files. I really need to take a class on how to save your files with some sort of something that makes sense......My camera downloads to a
KODAK program. Every download is filed by date unless I add a name which I never do..My PC has files under my pictures according to the group that I want to share with.
FACEBOOK etc. Then I have files for every member of my family to save pictures of their kids and grandkids. I have to change the size of most pictures I upload but I have to be careful not to change anything I might want to print so in most cases I have two sizes.....S I G H..........I wish I could just start over..but be careful what you wish for or you could loose it all...eeekkk.
The external hard drive that I bought a couple of years ago is called
THE BOOK it cost less than two hundred dollars and I am sure is way less today. I sleep better at night knowing I have a back-up system but not everything gets put on there. Time....Here is a little hint for you...for Twenty-five dollars a year..
FLICKR will save your pictures for you. My brother pays Fifty-dollars a year for an on line service to save his stuff. Lets face it, all of it takes ..................................................
T I M E...........gotta go...........hugs,